Dsppgmref file usage
Dsppgmref file usage

Journal receivers log the date, time, program, user, job, and details of every change to every record of a journaled file. Another great tools it to turn on journaling for that database file (or inspect the journal receiver if journaling is already in use). If the file has logicals, indexes, or views created over it, remember that you probably need to search the DSPPGMREF output for all of those, too. I suggest submitting a series of commands, perhaps library by library, rather than doing something like *ALLUSR. This can be a VERY long running command if you run it over a large set of objects.

dsppgmref file usage

4.5.The DSPPGMREF command allows you to dump a list of objects referenced by a particular program (or group of programs) to the screen, to a spooled file, or to a database file. 4.5.1 Rate of work: The workload profile. 4.4 Transaction-based versus user-based sizing. Sizing System 21 on the AS/400 system 4.1 Introduction. 3.6 System 21 knowledgebase for Business Intelligence. 3.4.3 System 21 Application Manager locks. 3.4.2 System 21 application record locks. 3.2.4 Frequently used System 21 database commands. 2000ģ.1.1 An integrated relational database. 2.11.1 Electronic Customer Support (ECS). 2.7 Security, user profiles, and authority management. 2.5 Integrated relational database (DB2 UDB for AS/400). 1.3 System 21 vertical industry variants. Introduction to Geac System 1.1 About System 21 solutions. Note to U.S Government Users - Documentation related to restricted rights - Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.Ĭontents Preface. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2000.

dsppgmref file usage

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dsppgmref file usage

Take Note! Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information in “Special notices” on page 581.įirst Edition (September 2000) This edition applies to Version 4, Release 4 and Version 4, Release 5 of IBM OS/400, Program Number 5769-SS1 and Version 3.5.2 of Geac System 21. International Technical Support Organization Geac System 21 Implementation for AS/400 September 2000 Geac System 21 Implementation for AS/400 Concepts and tasks associated with implementing Geac System 21 on the AS/400 system Tips and techniques to make your system run faster and smoother Best practices for implementationĪco Vidovic Nick Barraco Dave Barry Kevin Heiman Graham Hope

Dsppgmref file usage